Ramona and the Phantoms takes over February with “Marmalade & Blood”

Ramona and the Phantoms released their latest album, Marmalade & Blood, on February 14th. Ramona and the Phantoms is the solo project of Kylie Slabby. Created in 2015, the project’s name is actually in honor of Slabby’s dog, Ramona. Marmalade & Blood is the third released album, following Sweet & Low and Always Cherry. TheContinueContinue reading “Ramona and the Phantoms takes over February with “Marmalade & Blood””

Don’t Tell Dena and their new single, “Back Out of My Life”

OKC band Don’t Tell Dena released their newest single, “Back Out of My Life” today, February 12. The first release since 2019, the single precludes their upcoming album (date still TBA). “Back Out of My Life” is a rock ballad pleading for a repeatedly disappearing ex to “get back” of the life of the personContinueContinue reading “Don’t Tell Dena and their new single, “Back Out of My Life””

DIVA debuts new music

Tomorrow, February 1st, DIVA will release their debut EP, Spirit Shaker. Hailing from Norman and consisting of Dante Frame (guitar and vocals), Dillon Polston (bass and backing vocals), and Reece Carmen (drums), DIVA broke into the Oklahoma music scene late last fall. Their first ever performance came on January 3rd with Sophia Massad and CallboysContinueContinue reading “DIVA debuts new music”