Kodos releases brand new album early

According to promotions, Kodos was supposed to release the brand new album, Just Another Memory, on Friday, October 30th. However, on this cold morning, we wake to find the album available on all music streaming sites.

Today’s surprise drop wasn’t the first time the album refused to adhere to the schedule. Originally, Just Another Memory was supposed to drop on October 16th. It was delayed due to a list of issues and set for October 30th — only for it to appear on our release radar this morning, October 27th.

The eleven-song collection features the September singles, “Champion” and “Easy to Love.” both of which you may recognize from our New Music Friday playlist from a few weeks ago.

“Falling” begins the album as a mood-setter. Just under a minute-and-a-half, “Falling” acts as a sort of prelude to the album. From there, the songs vary in theme without straying from a chill vibe. The music is perfect for long drives, hanging with friends; a background for your future favorite memories. Starting with the short “Falling” and all the way to the long six-and-a-half-minute “I Wonder,” the mood rolls with the music, providing the perfect backdrop for any occasion.

That’s the point of the album, after all. Each song is “just another memory;” another theme, another mood, a another point in time. Listening, you’re supposed to be able to pinpoint different moments in time, hear them in the lyrics and the melodies.

Check out the new album below and be sure to follow Kodos on all social media and music streaming sites.

Published by Caity Robb

Instagram - caity_robb Twitter - @CaityRobb

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