cursetheknife releases the first part of an upcoming collection

cursetheknife is back with new music. Thank You for Being Here, Pt. 1 is the first part of an upcoming collection and features five songs. To celebrate, the band is dropping limited cassettes and merch with New Morality Zine. Thank You for Being Here, Pt. 1 starts with what sounds like an old television setContinueContinue reading “cursetheknife releases the first part of an upcoming collection”

New music from cursetheknife

On Friday, January 31st, OKC band cursetheknife released two songs on Bandcamp. The band, cursetheknife, released two songs on January 31st on Bandcamp as part of their musical debut. Though the band has technically been together since last year, it has been a side project for most of the members – some of which alsoContinueContinue reading “New music from cursetheknife”