Beachfriends release “Slide”

Tulsa band Beachfriends released their 3rd single, “Slide,” on January 28th.

Beachfriends debuted as a band in July of 2020 with the released of their single, “Waves.” Their second track, “NVM,” came out in September of 2020 with great excitement; both singles had, at that point, been picked up by Spotify’s Release Radar and Discover Weekly playlists. The group has since grown even more in popularity with their Spotify listeners at just under 10k.

“Slide” will be the first of four singles released throughout this year. With other works quick to follow, the band will soon have six songs in their arsenal.

Smooth and sweet, “Slide” is a pleading love song. The lyrics beg the person not to break the singer’s heart and denotes falling in love; from buying flowers to “sliding” into the fall. The melody is easy listening, catchy. Bright and mellow, the song takes you through a brief story and lightens your heart.

Check out “Slide” below and be sure to follow Beachfriends on all social media and music streaming sites.

Published by Caity Robb

Instagram - caity_robb Twitter - @CaityRobb

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